The Ultimate Nap Encouragement, Guilt-Busting Post

Naps are crucial to overcome the brain fog, vertigo, and fatigue of autoimmune disorders. As I’ve stated before, we need to redefine fatigue.

Plus, my wonderful sleep doctor (shoutout to Dr. Winter!) told me to listen to my body, and respond appropriately. Is what I am feeling fatigue? Nap like a boss. Am I simply sleepy, afflicted with normal, everyday/everybody tiredness? Practice good sleep hygiene, and try to hold off until bedtime.23c7bb6dca5afbbb5c3afd3a93e9c0d1

And so I am gathering all of my guilt-smashing, nap-encouraging pins into one place. Hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

4d474a9633a93d772de89663f23d10e4You know how many spoons you have left. Store up spoons with napping if you need to, and don’t let anyone tell you differently.   df9cd88211719a439be7aa8c941a8b1c
5503e29bb753817a887eb41b057be3c2 9400b8a95383651b32c1850e148c82c650203acd156b50c971ce82608673f864


d07623ad11d0c1d0d9a589be1e90e46d da4b0d665683a59bf0a8313398fefc41  f718907e4c313c89faa639c00a465a15SARK_Nap_Craft_800x600 Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go revise my to-do list for today, and then take a short nap. Really. I do take my own advice. 🙂